A downloadable soundtrack

Free mirror download of https://rebateman.bandcamp.com/album/puzzling-problems-plus-ost (Mirror is MP3 and WAV only, doesn't contain project file links)

Alternate mirror: KH Insider VGM Download

Download the game itself for free here: https://rebateman.itch.io/puzzling-problems-plus

From the (potentially forever unfinished) game, Puzzling Problems Plus. If a track is labeled (Puzzling Problems), it came from the original game. If it's labeled (Puzzling Problems Plus), it wasn't in the original game.

All tracks aren't looped in this upload, however there could potentially be a loop version in the future.

I don't want to have a DMCA ability with the OST as it's simple loops so could flag incorrectly other song, plus I encourage mashups, remixes, etc. That's why there's basically no restrictions on the OST (in terms of Bandcamp copyright listing)


Rebateman - Puzzling Problems Plus! OST - MP3.zip 10 MB
Rebateman - Puzzling Problems Plus! OST - WAV.zip 40 MB

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